Tuesday 10 July 2007

LowCostSpex (online opticians)

After my experiences with SpecSavers of Harlow, I was interested to see what this firm could do for me, over the internet. I had my prescription.

I didn't have the "pupil distance". This is the distance from the centre of one pupil to the other, but it's best to get the optician to measure it. However LowCostSpex website shows you how to measure it.

The form was a little confusing, but thankfully there was a box in which I could clarify things. For ordinary glasses you just specify "distance glasses". I chose a frame, hit the button, and ordered some glasses. Price for frames with prescription lenses was £15, plus ca. £2 postage. Well, at that price, I can afford to throw them away if they're no good!

The following day I get a call. It's LowCostSpex, who want to make sure they understand my order. I'm astonished, but pleased.

A week later a jiffy bag drops onto the mat. Inside is a hard-case -- the normal kind -- containing a gleaming new pair of spectacles. They're easy enough to bend with my fingers, so I quickly get them to fit.

Five days later, I'm still wearing them. They seem excellent. The frames are a little flimsy, but at £15 more than adequate. If you just want a pair for a few weeks, they are excellent. They look smart. Frankly they are worth every penny.

In short I am delighted. Excellent service, excellent value.

Now all I need is an online firm to 'reglaze' (technical term) my old frames, at a good price. The Ipswich Co-op quoted me £150 to reglaze. I wonder what the lowest price I can get online is?!

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