Saturday, 26 February 2011

No returns at the Asda Carphone warehouse?

Funny experience today. I went and bought a smartphone at the Carphone Warehouse near Asda. Once I'd got it home and charged it up, I made a first call ... and found I got buzzing when I spoke. It's the old "short-circuit" bug that some phones have.

I take it back, and they demand I prove to them that there is a problem. This is a bit weird -- if I haven't got a problem then why am I there? -- but I do my best. Of course it's nearly impossible in the noisy showroom to hear yourself, never mind a buzz. I do produce the effect eventually -- but am told that since I'm calling an ansaphone, it might be the ansaphone (!).

I get refused a return or exchange! I ask for the manager and am told he is in tomorrow.

I recommend we avoid these people. Who needs an argument when returning defective goods?

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