Friday 19 February 2010

123-reg - avoid like the plague

I have a domain name for my company website. I decided I wanted to transfer it from my existing provider to a UK provider. I chose But I had problems, and I don't feel very happy any more. In fact I would recommend avoiding them.

When you sign on with them, they demand you create an account before anything else. When you try to log in, so you can do the transfer, they demand your credit card details before you can see anything -- despite the fact the fact that you haven't bought anything yet. And they make clear that this is so they can store it -- remember you have done no business with them yet -- and automatically debit stuff without your permission, unless you unsubscribe from auto-renew.

This is scary stuff. None of this rubbish about "opting out"; I don't want to pay for anything unless I explicitly say so. There's no way I want to have my credit card details stored anyway.

But it gets worse. You request a transfer, and are taken to a screen where you have to put in a lot of personal data. You're asked somewhere to check a box to say you have read their terms and conditions -- but if you click on the link, you're taken to a page full of links to other articles, some obviously irrelevant. It's hard to know what you are supposed to read. If you click on the first one, it spews legal definitionese at you -- I couldn't follow what I was agreeing to.

And worse again. I entered my domain, and the website said "add to basket", so I presumed that was what I did. When I did, they added half-a-dozen other domains automatically to my "order". It turns out that further down the screen was a long list of other possible domains, and they had "helpfully" checked some for me in advance, where I wouldn't see them.

All this makes you nervous. These are loan-shark tactics; force you to hand over your details, force you to consciously opt-out of paying, make it unclear what is happening.

Fortunately for me their website then crashed when I requested the transfer. In fact it did so twice. At that point I decided I wanted out. In particular, I wanted my credit card details removed.

But ... they don't want emails from you. The website is set up to make it impossible for you to contact them. There's an 0871 number (10p a minute, and you can be sure it will be many, many minutes of obfustication) or a postal address. There is an electronic form... but when you fill it in, you're told that they thank you for your "suggestion" but won't necessarily reply.

It is crap like this which has always caused me to avoid using UK domain name providers. Some are sharks. One extorted money from me, years ago, to transfer out -- probably illegally. US ones seem better regulated, and that is what I will now seek.

123-reg? Avoid them. Instead consider Network Solutions, or PairNIC, both of whom seem reputable.

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